When Pope Francis met with President Trump at the Vatican this past week, Francis gave him a copy of his 2015 Encyclical, which passionately argued that the environment is God’s gift to mankind, to benefit all mankind, and therefore that the powerful must not exploit it for their selfish purposes.
Crafty guy, that Pope.
He no doubt is well aware that the President is the agent of the worst environmental exploiters and despoilers that the world has ever known-oil companies-and accordingly has his administration in overdrive to crush the environmental protections that have saved lives and health, especially those of poor minorities and children.
For those who believe in the infallibility of the Pope, and that he is the vessel of miracles, this is the test. Was Francis able to persuade the President that he is on the wrong path with the environment and that he should advocate for all US citizens, not just the most rich, powerful, and abusive?
We can all hope (but I would not bet anything that you really cared about).
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