
Ethylene Oxide/Sterigenics Updates

Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer Blog


Do You Hear That? Tinnitus and Hearing Loss: The Unexpected Consequences of Your Airbag Deploying

Imagine you’ve just gotten into your car. You turn it on and BOOM your airbag deploys for no reason. Or, your car hits a pothole, and BANG your airbag explodes from the steering wheel. During accidents, airbags save lives – the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that frontal airbags…


Side Guards Prevent Fatal Accidents: So, Why Aren’t They Mandatory for Trucks?

Some of the scariest moments on the road occur when a tractor-trailer suddenly decides to pull into your lane, oblivious to the fact that you are in the way, or turns in front of you, unaware that your car is there. At that moment, you realize that the truck is…


Illinois Legislation to Clean up Coal Ash Pollution Becomes Law. Time for the Federal Government to Follow our Lead

Among news of federal regulations being scaled back and reports of the drastic climate change situation, it’s nice to hear about a state taking action to protect the environment. This summer, Illinois did just that. Governor Pritzker signed the Coal Ash Pollution Prevention Act, which protects Illinois residents and the…


Love That Wonderful Smelling Air Freshener? It May Contain Toxic Phthalates, Formaldehyde and Naphthalene

The companies who sell plug-in air fresheners advertise how they make your house smell clean and fresh, and show you photos that make it appear as if the fresheners are bringing nature right into your home. What the commercials don’t say is that plug-in air fresheners may also be bathing…


The Collins Law Firm Files Lawsuit Against Sterigenics Alleging They Caused Teenager’s Long Battle with Cancer

The Collins Law Firm has filed a lawsuit against Sterigenics alleging that its client, 16-year-old Yasmeen Harrison, has battled cancer for most of her young life because of Sterigenics’ ethylene oxide emissions. According to the lawsuit, Sterigenics knowingly emitted “massive and unnecessary amounts of ethylene oxide, an invisible, odorless carcinogen”…


The Collins Law Firm Files Multiple Lawsuits Against Sterigenics Alleging Cancers Caused by Ethylene Oxide Emissions

The Collins Law Firm has filed eleven lawsuits against Sterigenics alleging their clients contracted cancer after being exposed to Sterigenics’ ethylene oxide emissions for years. According to the lawsuits, Sterigenics knowingly emitted the cancer-causing gas starting in 1985 and continuing through 2019. As a result, residents who lived or worked…


Illinois Coal Ash Contamination is the Worst in the Nation

According to a new report, the state of Illinois has the most leaking coal ash dumps in the United States. Coal ash is the waste that is left over after coal is burned. Most coal ash is created by coal-fired power plants that combust coal to produce electricity. According to…


Trump Administration Wreaks Havoc with Environmental Regulation Rollbacks: Will the Environment Ever Recover?

Since taking over, the Trump Administration has wreaked havoc on the environment, destroying environmental protections left and right. Trump has targeted rules that he thinks are burdensome to big business, even though environmental protections are generally good for the economy. Closing his eyes to this fact, Trump issued the “Presidential…


Hundreds of Residents Oppose Sterigenics Permit at Illinois EPA Hearing

The Sterigenics facility in Willowbrook, IL has been using ethylene oxide (EtO), a known human carcinogen, to sterilize medical and other equipment since the 1980s. Recently, the U.S. EPA and the Village of Willowbrook tested the air around the Sterigenics facility and found alarming amounts of this chemical in the…


Eau de Toxins – The Hidden Dangers in Your Perfume Bottle

Each morning, before going about your day, do you spritz on your favorite perfume? Next time you do, look at the ingredient list. You’ll probably see the word “Fragrance.” It seems appropriate for a perfume, but what exactly is it? Turns out, a whole bunch of chemicals that could be…

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