
Ethylene Oxide/Sterigenics Updates

Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer Blog


New Distracted Driving Crackdown in Illinois Starting July 1st

Starting July 1st, Illinois is taking a tougher stance on motorists who use their cell phones while driving. Drivers will no longer get a free pass for their first offense. Unlike the current law, where a first offense is a non-moving violation which does not affect your driving record, under…


Amid Environmental Rollbacks, Ex EPA Chiefs Testify to Congress that Trump’s EPA is Putting Country at Risk

It started with a letter to Congress. Seven past EPA chiefs, appointed by both Democratic and Republican presidents, wrote to Congress in April. They were concerned about the direction of the current EPA and offered to help Congress use its oversight to put a halt to Trump’s misguided deregulatory push and…


How to Keep Your Teen Safe from a Car Crash During the “100 Deadliest Days of Summer”

The time between Memorial Day and Labor Day is a time for sun, fun, and vacation for many. Summer is here, and while this is a great time for families to take it easy, it is not time for parents to relax when it comes to keeping their kids safe.…


Sterigenics Ethylene Oxide Emissions: U.S. EPA’s May 29, 2019 Community Meeting

Starting in 1984, the Sterigenics plant in Willowbrook, IL consistently emitted a chemical known as ethylene oxide into the air. These air emissions continued until February 15, 2019 when Illinois EPA ordered Sterigenics to stop operating because it found that Sterigenics’ emissions posed a danger to public health. Ethylene oxide…


Surgical Staplers: FDA Warns about Deaths / Injuries

The FDA announced recently that they plan to review and address the safety of surgical staplers. Surgical staplers are specialized devices used in surgery to close wounds or connect tissue, instead of using traditional sutures. The FDA‘s decision comes after a recent Kaiser News Health Report revealed that thousands of…


How Does Your Hospital Rank for Patient Safety?

Going to the hospital can save your life. If you are a patient at a hospital with a poor safety ranking, however, it could cost you your life. That’s the conclusion of a recent report by the nonprofit group Leapfrog, which also gives 2600 hospitals a Hospital Safety Grade twice…


Did Toxic Exposure Cause Your Cancer?

A cancer diagnosis is scary, sometimes devastating. But it is all the more so if your cancer might have been caused by exposure to a toxic chemical in your home, air, or water.  There is a true sense of violation and betrayal when a cancer victim realizes that her illness…


Need a Doctor or Surgeon? Check to See if They Have Been Sued For Medical Malpractice First

If a doctor had lost multiple medical malpractice lawsuits, you would think that he or she would stop practicing or, at the very least, move to a new town to flee their reputation for harming patients. According to a new study in the New England Journal of Medicine, that is…


Beach Park Anhydrous Ammonia Toxic Spill Attorneys

We are environmental personal injury lawyers with years of experience representing the victims of chemical exposure. People who are injured as a result of toxic exposure have a special kind of case: a toxic tort case which is a personal injury and environmental case blended together. The victims of the…

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