
Ethylene Oxide/Sterigenics Updates

Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer Blog


SEPSIS: The Hidden Epidemic of Deadly Infections in Illinois’ Nursing Homes

When you place your loved one in the care of trained staff at a nursing home, the last thing you think about is the possibility that your relative may succumb to a fatal infection. But that is what is happening around the country, as elderly patients in overcrowded nursing homes…


Cancer Causing Chemicals: What Willowbrook Residents Can Learn from the Lockformer TCE Lawsuits

Willowbrook has been in the news recently because of a federal government report which revealed that Sterigenics has been contaminating the community with a carcinogen known as ethylene oxide for decades, resulting in a significantly elevated cancer risk for nearby residents. This situation reminds me of some similar cases I…


Government Sides with Sterigenics Over Ethylene Oxide Pollution in Willowbrook

Hundreds of Willowbrook residents filled a standing-room-only meeting last night. They came to hear their government explain whether their health is in danger due to the ethylene oxide pollution that a local company, Sterigenics, has been belching into their neighborhood for the last 30 years. Ethylene oxide is a nasty…


Willowbrook Residents Need Answers from EPA and Sterigenics About Ethylene Oxide Emissions and Cancer Risk

The Chicago Tribune recently reported on a new federal study by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) – released just last week – that highlights a danger to Willowbrook residents who live near Sterigenics International, at 830 Midway Drive and 7775 S. Quincy St., in Willowbrook, IL.…


Emergency Room or Urgent Care Clinic: Where Should You Take Your Injured Child?

A few years back one of my daughters got her finger seriously mangled in a slammed door. The nail was loose and her finger was bleeding profusely. So, my wife rushed her to the immediate care center near our house. After waiting for a half-hour, they were ushered in to…


Common Birth Injuries Caused by Medical Negligence

The Department of Health and Human Services estimates that 30% of birth injuries are preventable. Sadly, medical negligence is one of the leading causes of birth injuries in the United States. A recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), determined the following to be the most…


Avoid Fireworks Injuries this Summer: Leave the Pyrotechnics to Professionals

Fourth of July typically means barbecues, picnics, parades, and fireworks, but every year amateur fireworks do more than just entertain. According to the National Fire Protection Association, they cause thousands of serious injuries and fires every year. In fact, in recent years, fireworks have been one of the leading causes…


10 Ways to Keep Motorcyclists Safe This Summer: What Every Driver Should Know

Now that the warm, summer weather is here, more and more people are on the roads, taking a ride on their motorcycles. However, this enjoyable summer pastime is not without danger. Because motorcycles are less stable and visible than cars or trucks, they are-unfortunately–more likely to be involved in a…


Can a Doctor be Held Liable for an Opioid Overdose?

Patients undergoing major surgery or those dealing with chronic pain are often prescribed opioid medications. These opioids have given rise to a crisis of massive proportions. Opioid addiction and overdose deaths are increasing dramatically. And according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, half of all fatal opioid overdoses…


Polluters Win Big as EPA Loses More Criminal Investigators under Pruitt and Trump

According to a recent Washington Post article, the EPA has lost a tenth of its criminal investigators since Trump has been in office. The reason this is good news to polluters is that the special agents in the EPA’s Criminal Investigation Division are responsible for investigating the most serious criminal…

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