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Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer Blog


Partner Shawn Collins Earns Lifetime Achievement Award from America’s Top 100 Attorneys

The Collins Law Firm would like to congratulate founder and partner, Shawn Collins, for being nominated for a Lifetime Achievement honor as one of America’s Top 100 Attorneys for Illinois. Less than one-half percent of attorneys in the United States will receive this prestigious award. Shawn will join an elite…


Synthetic Marijuana Responsible for Killing Three, Sickening Many More in Illinois

It’s been mere months since an Aurora shop owner, a distributor and an Iowa manufacturer were sentenced to jail for furnishing the synthetic marijuana which killed a young man, but “fake” marijuana is back in the news again, this time responsible for killing three people and sickening more than 107…


Kratom Supplements Which Contain Opioids are Recalled by the FDA after Salmonella Outbreak

It sometimes seems these days as if taking an herbal supplement is akin to gambling…you never know what you are going to get. Just last week, the FDA issued its first mandatory recall of kratom products after Triangle Pharmaceuticals refused to comply with a March 30th agency request for a…


EPA’s Scott Pruitt: Just Another Creature in the Swamp

We keep hearing about big spender, Scott Pruitt, taking first-class flights around the globe on the taxpayer’s dime. In fact, Politico reported in February that Pruitt spent over $90,000 last June on first-class flights instead of coach, as required by federal regulation because angry individuals were confronting him in airports…


Your Smart Watch is Distracting You Behind the Wheel

Over the last 10 years, cell phones have gone from large handheld phones we could use to make calls, to mini computers containing our mobile offices that we run our entire lives and businesses from. They are now essential tools in our everyday lives, but they are also incredibly dangerous…


Want to Pollute in Illinois? Go Ahead, Governor Rauner Won’t Stop You

Apparently unconcerned that Illinois is one of the top 10 states for industrial air and water pollution in the country, Governor Rauner’s administration is failing to police and penalize industrial polluters. Put more bluntly, Rauner and his EPA are giving polluters a pass. The Illinois EPA, unlike the US EPA,…


Illinois’ Group Home Failings Put the Disabled in Danger

Among all the issues plaguing the state of Illinois, one very important issue has not gotten much press coverage until recently. In February, the Chicago Tribune published an expose on Illinois’ troubled group homes for disabled adults and their failure to reduce abuse and neglect rates. In fact, the Tribune’s…

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