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Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer Blog


Norman Berger Joins the Collins Law Firm as Of Counsel

After serving as co-counsel to The Collins Law Firm in many ground-breaking environmental cases over the last 18 years, Norman Berger has joined the Firm as of counsel, where he will help lead the Firm’s efforts to demand clean up and financial compensation for the families they represent who have…


Are We Ready to Take on the Fossil Fuel Industry Over Global Warming?

The world is heading for a potential climate catastrophe and a recently released report has unmasked the biggest corporations responsible. The report entitled “Carbon Majors: Accounting for Carbon and Methane Emissions 1854-2010”, by researcher Richard Heede, “offers the most complete picture to date of which institutions extracted the fossil fuels…


Shocking Report Reveals Suburban Roads are More Deadly than Chicago Streets

A new report by the Active Transportation Alliance, a Chicago based nonprofit dedicated to making streets safer for pedestrians, bikers and motorists, is surprising people in the Chicago suburbs. Why? Because it reveals that traffic fatalities in the suburbs in 2015–the latest year for which statistics are available–outnumbered those in…


The Facts Don’t Lie: Motorcycles Really are Dangerous

It is, of course, not “news” that riding a motorcycle is dangerous. The latest statistics (as of 2015) published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) help us understand why: (1) It’s much more dangerous than riding in a car. NHTSA says that motorcyclists were 29 times more likely…


If You’ve Been in a Car Accident, Be Sure to Get a Police Report

If you’ve been in a car accident, the first priority is to attend to any medical needs, particularly if there is a medical emergency. The next priority is to get the police to come to the accident scene. The report which the police prepare after visiting the accident scene serves…


Smart Tips on How to Stay Safe Riding a Motorcycle

Consumer Reports gives us the grim statistics: a motorcyclist is 30 times more likely to die in a crash than someone riding in a car. But lurking just below these statistics is the proof that, if they will make just a few changes, motorcyclists will dramatically reduce their chance of…


What Should You Do if Your Groundwater is Contaminated?

Tens of thousands of Americans will learn this year that the water just underneath their home-their groundwater-is contaminated with chemicals that some nearby factory dumped probably decades ago, and left to bleed down through the soil, infiltrate the groundwater, and ultimately migrate into your neighborhood. I’ve been representing families in…


The 25 Deadliest Cars and Trucks on the Road Today

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has released its list of the 25 most dangerous vehicles on the road today, based on the number of fatal accidents in which its drivers/passengers were involved between 2011 and 2015. Here is that list (also see the link below for important detail as…


The Latest Car Safety Features: Are They Making Us Worse Drivers?

As I’m writing this, I feel like the old man yelling at the neighborhood kids to get off his lawn…..but I feel the question needs to be asked: “Are all these new car safety features making driving safer, or do they lull drivers into thinking that the car will take…

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