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Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer Blog


Call the Police if You’ve Been in a Car Accident

Here’s why you should absolutely call the police if you’ve been in a car accident: (1) It’s the law. In most jurisdictions, you are legally required to report to the police when you’ve been in an accident. We are often asked whether that remains true even in the event of…


Distracted Driving is Fueling an Increase in Motor Vehicle Crashes and Deaths

Motor vehicle crashes and deaths are on the rise. Despite advances in safety technology, driving has become more deadly. The reason? Operator error. The National Safety Council found that 40,200 people across the country died in traffic crash deaths in 2016, a 6 percent increase since 2015, and the first…


How to Spot an Impaired Driver This Long Weekend; What to Do About It

The upcoming 4th of July holiday causes many Americans to get together to celebrate. Unfortunately, some take the celebration too far, by abusing alcohol or other drugs, like opioids. These drugs impair a driver’s thinking, reasoning, and muscle coordination-all critically important to safely driving a car. We all know that…


When Should You Take an Ambulance to the Hospital After a Car Accident?

Sometimes, a person’s car accident injuries are so serious that there’s no decision to make: he/she must be transported by ambulance to the hospital. But oftentimes, it’s not so obvious. The accident victim may not feel badly injured or may feel embarrassed to get into an ambulance. I’ve known people…


Latest Sign of Opioid Carnage in America: Oklahoma Doctor Charged with Murder in 5 Patient Opioid Deaths

  The Oklahoma Attorney General just charged Dr. Regan Nichols with second-degree murder in the deaths of 5 of her patients, for allegedly prescribing them too many painkillers and related drugs. The specific allegations against Dr. Nichols are shocking. They include that she prescribed: 3 million doses of controlled dangerous…


Is Your Loved One in a Medicare or Medicaid-Certified Nursing Home? These are His/Her Rights.

Nursing home residents have rights that are protected under federal law, and which must be explained to the resident in understandable language. In summary, these are the rights (See the link below from for a more detailed description): (1) To be treated with respect. (2) To participate in activities.…


PFOA and PFOS Should Not be in Your Family’s Drinking Water

PFOA and PFOS belong to a family of “fluorinated organic chemicals”. They are dangerous to human health. Before virtually all production of these chemicals was halted in 2006 (due to health concerns), PFOA and PFOS were used in a number of industrial processes; to fight fires at airfields; and to…


What Should We Do About the Epidemic of Opioid Deaths Ravaging America?

America has a pain killer problem. And it’s killing us. The just-released statistics are truly shocking: in 2015, while more than 52,000 Americans died from drug overdoses, two-thirds of those deaths were attributable to opioids like Percocet, OxyContin, heroin, and fentanyl.   We are losing tens of thousands of Americans…


World Health Organization Report: Airline Passengers and Crew Exposed to Toxic Air

A study by the World Health Organization (WHO) has concluded that the air inside airplane cabins can be “contaminated by pyrolysed engine oil and other aircraft fluids [that] can reasonably be linked to acute and chronic symptoms”, including: “eye, nose and throat irritations, skin reactions, recurrent respiratory tract infections and…

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