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Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer Blog


Should Children Under 13 Be Using Smartphones?

Tom Farnum, an anesthesiologist from Colorado, wants his state to pass a law forbidding retailers from selling a smartphone that is intended for use by anyone under 13 years old. He is the spearhead of a statewide petition drive aimed at accomplishing that objective. Why? Because Farnum has witnessed the…


How Seniors Get Scammed

The National Council on Aging has published its “Top Ten Financial Scams Targeting Seniors” list.  These scams are crimes, and they are on the rise. When they happen, they are devastating to not only the senior victims, but also to those who care for them or must shoulder the…


Manslaughter…..or Voluntary Act……or Free Speech?

Michelle Carter was convicted of involuntary manslaughter today for texting messages to her emotionally disturbed boyfriend, Conrad Roy, convincing him to commit suicide. The facts of the case are very disturbing. Carter knew that Roy had been trying to kill himself by carbon monoxide poisoning…..sitting in his pickup truck as…


How TCE and PCE Can Harm Us: Expert Information You Can Trust

If you have reason to research how chemicals can harm your family-say, for example, your water supply has been found to be contaminated-please be careful. There is a lot of “information” available on the internet, but not all of it is reliable. In the unreliable category are studies performed or…


Clean Water Isn’t a Right if You Never Had It

I’ve been working for nearly 18 years helping families in American neighborhoods use our court system to force the companies that polluted their water to clean it up. Despite all the anguish that having contaminated water initially caused these families, and despite the truly reprehensible behavior of some of the…


Who are the Environmental and Health Agencies in Your State?

There are many potential reasons why you might want to contact your state’s most important environmental and health agencies. Usually it is because you are concerned about an environmental issue in your area. Here are 10 questions you may want answered: (1) Is there an environmental investigation being conducted in…


What To Do if Someone Wants to Test Your Property for Vapor Intrusion

The threat that chemicals contaminating groundwater are turning into a gas (‘vaporizing”) and drifting upward to intrude into the breathing space of overlying homes exists in many neighborhoods throughout the country. And this threat will remain with us for decades, as we continue to try to deal with nearly a…


Why it Was Necessary to File Criminal Charges in Flint Water Crisis

Michigan’s Attorney General has criminally charged more than 50 people over the deplorable government behavior that stripped the families of Flint of their clean water from Lake Huron, and substituted dangerous, lead-contaminated water from the Flint River. And now the Attorney General has just filed the most significant charges of…


Congratulations to McHenry County, IL, for Disclosing its Groundwater Contamination Problems

I want to take a moment to recognize McHenry County, IL, and its Public Health Administrator, Michael Hill, for disclosing on the County’s website what it calls “Groundwater Contamination Incidents”. McHenry, while a fast-developing county, is not far removed from its roots as essentially a rural community, where most…


Your Right to Know about Environmental Problems in Your Neighborhood: Using the Freedom of Information Act

Government Often Keeps Us in the Dark   Is your government protecting you? If your air or water is contaminated, and your government knows it, it’ll tell you, right? Sadly, the answer to these questions is often, “no”. I’ve represented thousands of families over the last 18 years who have…

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