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Will President Trump Listen to Pope Francis on the Importance of Protecting the Environment?

When Pope Francis met with President Trump at the Vatican this past week, Francis gave him a copy of his 2015 Encyclical, which passionately argued that the environment is God’s gift to mankind, to benefit all mankind, and therefore that the powerful must not exploit it for their selfish purposes.…


The Frequently-Found Industrial Chemicals That Cause Cancer

“Does this chemical cause cancer?” is one of the first questions I get from a mom or dad who has just learned that, unbeknownst to them, a toxic chemical from an industrial source has been in their family’s air or water supply for years. I always caution that, even if…


How Landfills Contaminate the Groundwater

If you live near a landfill, this is a scenario you should be concerned about: ·The landfill began accepting waste before 1990. ·Groundwater in your area flows from the landfill in the direction of your home. ·The groundwater is your home’s water supply and/or the groundwater is very shallow (50…


Beware Fake “Drug Treatment” Centers, “Sober Homes”

Jennifer Flory of Illinois thought she was getting her daughter, Alison, the help she needed when she sent Alison to what had been advertised as a home for addiction treatment in South Florida. Sadly, however, Alison died from a drug overdose, smoking crack cocaine laced with an opiate. Jennifer learned…


Do You Live Near One of the Most Contaminated Sites in the Country?

The most dangerously contaminated sites in the US are “Superfund” sites. There are, currently, 1,317 of them. New Jersey has the most-114-while California and Pennsylvania follow right behind. The map in this article identifies all of the Superfund sites and allows you to search for where such sites may be…


What Is Surgical Mesh and Why is It Dangerous?

Last week a jury in Philadelphia found Johnson & Johnson guilty of designing dangerous pelvic mesh and hit the company with a $20 million verdict for injuries blamed on the dangerous pelvic mesh implant. Transvaginal mesh has also been the subject of lawsuits across the country as these mesh implants…


The Lie at the Center of Massive EPA Budget Cuts: Federal Cuts Justified Because States Will Supposedly “Do the Job”……but States’ Budgets Are Cut, Too

Hot off the presses is the Trump/Pruitt proposed 31% cut to the EPA’s budget, including slashing more than $300 million from the fund used to clean up the most toxic and dangerous sites in America, i.e., “Superfund” sites. If this cut passes Congress, thousands will get sick and others still…


What Is Talc and Why is it Dangerous?

Since the 1990s, over 850,000 tons of talc have been consumed annually in the United States. Of those 850,000 tons, 48,000 were used in direct consumer applications, including cosmetic products, pharmaceuticals, and even food products. Talcum powder, associated with certain types of cancer, has been a major problem for consumers.…


Lawsuit: Pruitt’s EPA Creates New “Exception” to Anti-Pollution Rule; “Vastly” More Air Pollution Will Result

Get ready for a lot more of this. Last September, the Obama EPA issued a new rule limiting the levels of air pollution that would be allowed in the states. The idea was to save lives and health, because industrial air pollution is well-documented to threaten both. Wisely, the rule…


Why Landfills are Dangerous to the People Who Live Near Them

If you live near a landfill, you need to be especially aware of the ways in which toxic chemicals from the landfill can threaten your family. For example: ·Groundwater contamination: Over time, rainwater mixes with the chemicals from the garbage dumped in the landfill and produces a “leachate”, a sort…

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