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Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer Blog


Trump’s Massive EPA Budget Cuts Give the ‘OK’ to Pillaging the Environment

More than perhaps anything else he does, a president’s budget proposal tells us what he thinks is important. By that measure, President Trump’s just proposed massive budget cuts for the EPA tell us that Trump does not value the EPA mission of ensuring clean air and water for Americans, and…


Why Pollution Victims Need to be Able to File Class Action Lawsuits

  Pro-business forces in Congress have proposed laws aimed at restricting, or even eliminating, the rights of injured Americans to join together in bringing their claims in the form of a single “class action” lawsuit. A class action is a kind of lawsuit in which those who have been injured…


What is Glyphosate and How is it Used?

If many of us went to our garages or sheds, we would find “Roundup,” a popular lawn and garden weed killer sold by Monsanto. Since its commercial introduction in 1974, Roundup has become the most widely used weed killer in the United States, and possibly the world. In fact, Roundup…


What are the Health Effects of Glyphosate?

In March 2015, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) gathered seventeen of the world’s top cancer researchers to evaluate glyphosate, a primary component of the popular weed-killer, Roundup. The seventeen member workgroup was led by Dr. Aaron Blair, a recently retired epidemiologist from the U.S.…


Antidepressants Causing Birth Defects

One out of ten Americans are taking antidepressants such as Prozac and Paxil. This large portion of Americans includes women who are pregnant and suffer from depression. In many cases, these mothers-to-be have to choose between treating their depression and risking dangerous birth defects in their children. Taking antidepressants during…


“The Arsonist is Now in Charge of the Fire Department” Scott Pruitt is Prepared to Ruin the Environment Because Big Oil Told Him To

Two things that Scott Pruitt just said prove that he is so deep into the pocket of big oil company polluters that he can’t find his way out. He’s not fit to head the EPA. Here’s what Pruitt said: (1) “I think people across this country look at the EPA…


Environmental Contamination Threatening Your Home? 10 Important Questions to Ask

I’ve been doing environmental contamination cases for about 20 years now, and have talked to hundreds of families who have gotten the bad news that there is a dangerous chemical in their water, air, or yard. What I have learned over the process of talking to these people and being…


How Contaminated Groundwater Can Turn Into Vapor Intrusion: Is Your Neighborhood at Risk?

Around the country, communities are beginning to understand that sites contaminated with toxic industrial chemicals pose another danger to surrounding neighborhoods: vapor intrusion. Families who had contaminated groundwater in their neighborhood–and believed that the problem was taken care of after being connected to clean water–are now being told that the…


Study Shows Long Term Effects in Children from All Levels of Traumatic Brain Injury

Your child plays a sport with a high incidence of concussions–like football, soccer or hockey–and he or she has had a concussion in that sport. Should you be worried? Maybe, according to a recent study by physical medicine and rehabilitation physicians. The study found that youth patients with mild to…

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