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What the People Near the Livonia Ford Plant Need to Know About Vinyl Chloride Contamination

Recently, Ford Motor Company sent a letter to the owners of homes and businesses to the immediate east of Ford’s Transmission Plant in Livonia, Michigan, to deliver the unfortunate news that a chemical known as “vinyl chloride” is contaminating the shallow groundwater in their neighborhood. The revelation of this serious…


Will Michigan Finally Confront the Vapor Intrusion Problem Threatening Thousands of its People?

Beware of anyone who knows that people may be drinking or breathing dangerous chemicals, and yet doesn’t want to test to learn for certain if the chemicals are actually there. That kind of self-induced ignorance can cost people their health, even their lives. In my 17+ years as an environmental…


How Donald Trump and Scott Pruitt are Going to Hurt Pollution Victims

It’s hard to say what’s worst about Scott Pruitt, Donald Trump’s choice to head the EPA. Among the choices are: ·He’s a paid shill for big oil companies who masqueraded as a public servant, i.e., the Attorney General of Oklahoma. ·He used his public office to do what big oil…


Michael Flynn Had the Russians; Scott Pruitt Has the Oil Companies: Why the US Senate should reject Pruitt to Head the EPA

The recent resignation-in-disgrace of Trump Administration National Security Advisor (NSA), Michael Flynn, and the resulting damage to the country could have been avoided. If the President and his advisers had looked at Flynn more carefully before he was appointed to head the NSA (and assuming that they even cared about…


Traffic Deaths Increase for Second Straight Year

Despite all of the advances in automobile safety, traffic-related deaths are on the rise. Over 40,000 people died in automobile crashes in 2016. According to new estimates from the National Safety Council, some factors contributing to the increase include distracted driving and not taking proper precautions. 47 percent of motorists…


Scott Pruitt: Too Many Conflicts of Interest to be Next EPA Chief

It is well known that President Trump’s pick to run the EPA, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, has sued the EPA 14 times. What is not so well known is that many of these lawsuits are still pending. Specifically, still pending are lawsuits that Pruitt filed charging that the EPA…


Naperville Homeowners with Lead Service Lines Must “Get the Lead Out”

The City of Naperville has recently identified some 341 Naperville homes with lead water service lines. The City has yet to test 143 other homes that likewise may have lead service lines. Homes with lead service lines in Naperville would typically have been built before 1930-when the City outlawed lead…


Scott Pruitt has no Business Running the Environmental Protection Agency

This week, the U.S. Senate votes on whether to approve President Trump’s choice, Scott Pruitt, to head the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”). Why should every Senator in the building vote “No”? Let me ask you this: Would it be OK with you if a lawyer for the world’s largest oil…


Headed for an Epidemic: Traumatic Brain Injuries as Dangerous as Asbestos

Headed for an Epidemic: Traumatic Brain Injuries as Dangerous as Asbestos When we turn on a football game, we expect to see hard-hitting tackles. What we don’t immediately consider is the effect those tackles have on the human brain. Concussion has become a Sunday afternoon buzzword when watching NFL games,…


Nearly 2 Million Children in the US Suffer Sports-Related Concussions Every Year

Study: Nearly 2 Million Children in the US Suffer Sports-Related Concussions Every Year Nearly 2 million children in the United States suffer sports-and recreation-related concussions annually, and many of them may go untreated, according to a recent study. Concussions, a form of traumatic brain injury (TBI), are common in children.…

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