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Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer Blog


Johnson & Johnson Must Pay $72 Million For Talcum Powder Linked to Ovarian Cancer

Co-authored by Cassidy Carroll of The Collins Law Firm, P.C. A little over a week ago, the Missouri Circuit Court announced that, Johnson & Johnson, the world’s largest maker of health-care products must pay $72 million to the family of a woman claiming the company’s talcum powder caused her fatal…


FDA Recalls Dietary Supplements Due to Dangerous Undeclared Ingredient

Co-authored by Jacob Exline of The Collins Law Firm, P.C. On August 24, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported a recall of 13 different dietary supplements produced by Novacare, LLC due to an undeclared ingredient, salicylic acid, which is harmful to consumers if swallowed. The FDA performed a…


Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect: What Can You Do?

Are you concerned that a family member is being abused or neglected at a nursing home? Mistreatment at the hands of a caregiver can happen in long-term care facilities, including nursing homes. The mistreatment may take the form of physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, or even financial exploitation. Signs of…


The Return of Safe Food? – A New Law Overhauls the Handling and Processing of Food

Co-authored by Jacob Exline of The Collins Law Firm, P.C. Food-related injuries and death are often overlooked by the American consumer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that nearly 48 million people get sick from foodborne illnesses yearly and almost 3,000 of those people die.1 The need…


SAFE, CLEAN WATER IS A HUMAN RIGHT: Why “Thirst Project” is So Important

This is about the importance of clean water to sustain health and life; how we as Americans assume (often mistakenly) that we will always have it; and an extraordinary young man named Seth Maxwell who founded Thirst Project, which is dedicated to the simple but powerful idea that clean water…


Is Your Food Safe?-How to Protect Yourself From Foodborne Illness

Co-authored by Gregory Zimmer of The Collins Law Firm, P.C. The Food and Drug Administration is hard at work. The first half of this month has already had 3 recalls of nuts tainted with Salmonella and 2 recalls of pet food due to Listeria contamination.1 These recalls follow the highly…


Is it Time to Hang-Up the Keys?-What to Do About Elderly Related Traffic Accidents

Co-authored by Gregory Zimmer of The Collins Law Firm, P.C. Maybe…but perhaps not for the reason you think. In Greenfield, IL, an elderly driver blew through a shed with his SUV, flew into the air after hitting a tree stump, and landed in a home’s kitchen.1  In Wisconsin, another elderly…


Is US Environmental Decision-Making Morally Bankrupt?

Co-Authored by Norman B. Berger A comparison of Pope Francis’ recent encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si’, with our Supreme Court’s recent decision on power plant emissions raises troubling questions regarding the moral core of our environmental decision-making. The Pope wrote passionately about how it is the poor who bear…



Co-Authored by Norman B. Berger If a new environmental regulation requiring power plants to reduce toxic emissions would prevent 11,000 premature deaths every year; prevent many thousands more illnesses every year; and produce benefits that outweigh the costs by as much as $80 billion every year, would you say that’s…

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