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Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer Blog


Not Texting While “Driving” – It Applies To Kids Too

By now everyone knows that distracted driving is a problem, and causes car accidents. Texting while driving is a big no-no, and there are numerous studies that document the number of personal injuries caused by drivers who were texting right before an impact. But, something you will notice more and…


High School Football Personal Injury Prevention And Protection

As of this weekend, high schools across the state will be required to get catastrophic health insurance for their sports players. Known as the “Rocky Clark Law” (named for the Eisenhower High School player paralyzed from an injury in 2000) the law will require that every student-athlete be covered for…


Boating Safety – A Personal Injury Can Happen On The Water Too

It is the dog days of summer here in Chicagoland. As a result of temps pushing 90 degrees these days, more and more people are heading towards the water for a good time. Sadly, what many folks fail to appreciate is that there are dangers on the water, especially when…


Lower Blood – Alcohol Limit to Crack Down On Drunk Driving

In an attempt to make the roadways safer, and cut down on personal injuries and deaths on American highways, recently the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has called on state authorities to reduce the legal limit for alcohol intoxication to 0.05 percent. All 50 states currently have a blood alcohol…


Medical Bills – What If Your Do Not Have Health Insurance?

Whether it be in a car accident, slip and fall, construction accident, or any other incident where you are injured and it is not your fault, your number one concern should be getting better. Sadly, for many folks, a close second to that concern is, “without health insurance, what do…


Recorded Statements – Who Are You Helping?

Insurance companies love to take “recorded statements” of people involved in situations where someone was injured. Even before a personal injury case is filed, adjusters and others at insurers will contact personal injury victims asking them if they would be willing to give a recorded statement on what happened. Before…


Fireworks Injuries – Leave The Displays To The Pros

The 4th of July is just around the corner, and that means fireworks. Everyone loves going to big fireworks displays with their family. But, sadly, some people still also enjoy setting off their own fireworks — amateurs playing with dangerous explosives in an uncontrolled environment. The dangers of fireworks, especially…


Illinois Personal Injury Class Action Cases – Legal Unicorns

Our office is routinely contacted by injured people asking for an attorney to represent them in a class action case for their personal injuries, or, asking if there is already a class action case going for the type of bodily injury they suffered. Thanks to the popular media, and abundant…


I Can’t Go to Court? – Agreements to waive right to a jury, right to sue, or requiring binding arbitration

It has previously been discussed on this blog that you should be careful what you sign, as you may not realize you are waiving your rights to recover for a personal injury you suffer due to someone else’s negligence. But, it is not just outright waiving your right to recover…

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