
Ethylene Oxide/Sterigenics Updates

Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer Blog


Motorcycle Season Is Upon Us – See And Be Seen

After a fairly dreary spring here in Chicagoland, the weather has turned, and we can all enjoy the outdoors. For many people this also means it is time to dust of the motorcycles and head out for a bike ride. Whether you choose to ride a motorcycle or not, if…


Personal Injury Litigation – What Is Mediation?

Mediation is a form of “alternative dispute resolution” where the parties agree to let a person outside of the proceedings (often called a “neutral”) get involved to try and settle the matter. It can happen at any time during a personal injury matter: before a personal injury case is filed,…


Another School Bus Tragedy

Sadly, earlier this month there was another fatal accident involving a school bus here in Illinois. While the official cause of the incident that left one person dead and dozens injured is still not known, the accident in Lake County highlights the need for better safety and institutional controls when…


It Is Now Even More Important To Be Careful What You Sign

As discussed here previously, reading something you are asked to sign, before you sign it, is vitally important in any context, but especially when it comes to personal injury waivers or releases of liability. Americans are routinely bombarded with advanced waivers they are expected to sign before they are allowed…


Personal Injury Litigation – What Is A Deposition?

In civil litigation, the most powerful tool an experienced attorney has for uncovering the truth of what happened is discovery. Discovery is the term to describe when the parties to a lawsuit not only exchange information amongst themselves, but also are allowed to investigate further and ask questions, get documents,…


Sunland Salmonella Outbreak Update

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state and local health officials investigated an outbreak of Salmonella Bredeney infections linked to Trader Joe’s Valencia Creamy Salted Peanut Butter, with SKU # 97111, made by Sunland Inc. of Portales, New Mexico. On…

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