
Ethylene Oxide/Sterigenics Updates

Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer Blog



After slow-walking the process consistent with its decades-long standard operating procedure,  the U.S. EPA  finally recognized what credible scientists have been saying for many years: exposure to TCE causes cancer.  The earth is not flat after all.   On September 28, EPA released the final health assessment for trichloroethylene (TCE) to the…


The Politics of Pollution: Corporate Polluters Win Again

After a twenty-year wait, EPA was set to issue its updated hazard assessment for trichloroethylene (“TCE“) earlier this month.  Unfortunately – – at least for everyday American citizens – – the deadline passed without a word from EPA. TCE is a man-made volatile organic compound used by corporations for decades…


PLAYING CHICKEN WITH CONTAMINATION: Bronx New School Officials Show How Not To Protect Children

Basin City, Washington got it right. Last Thursday, Basin City took tests of the system that feeds water into the local elementary school and found E. coli bacteria.  So, school officials immediately notified the parents of the children attending Basin City Elementary School.  They also decided that the school would…


OPEN WINDOWS, SHUT MOUTHS: Bronx New School Officials Keep Parents in the Dark About School’s Chemical Dangers

The TCE contamination discovered earlier this year in the air that the kids breathe at the Bronx New School was so bad that the City’s environmental consultant instructed the New York City School Construction Authority (NYCSCA) to “immediate[ly]…open all windows in the first and second-floor classrooms at the end of…


Pollution Lawyers Team Recognized By Chicago Daily Law Bulletin

The Pollution Lawyers were recently recognized in two articles published by the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin for our work in pollution cases.  One article discusses the joining of our two firms to create The Pollution Lawyers name, our history, including our obtaining many millions of dollars for our clients since…


NO COUNTRY FOR POOR PEOPLE: Polluter-Friendly Regulations Force Children in Chicago’s Pilsen Community To Breathe Brain-Damaging Lead…For Years

Let me ask you something:  If the air breathed by children attending an American elementary school was contaminated by lead levels so high that it could damage their brains, and cause them life-long learning disabilities, how long would you say their parents should have to wait until that air was…



This is about the importance of getting your well water tested, immediately, when there is even the possibility that it is contaminated. North Stamford, Connecticut, and Rockford, Illinois are half a country apart and have many other things that would seem to distinguish them from one another.  But they have…


Does Fracking Pressure Unearth Positive Legal Change?

Texas recently became the first state to require drillers to disclose the chemicals they use to extract petroleum and gas from rock formations.  See, Texas Fracking Bill    While the fluids injected deep into the earth to recover oil and gas consist primarily of water and sand, they include mixtures of hundreds…


Will Wisconsin’s new DNR chief serve the people, the environment or polluters? Another Overlooked Vapor Intrusion Problem Surfaces

In the wake of the hysteria generated by Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s crusade against collective bargaining for public sector workers like teachers and firefighters, a new tea party inspired problem has surfaced in Wisconsin.  This problem concerns the environment. Walker’s controversial appointment of Cathy Stepp as Department of Natural Resources…


Polluters Underestimating Their Pollution: Liars… or Just Idiots?

Maddening, but not surprising.  Business as usual, really. Earlier this week, Japan’s nuclear power industry announced that the amount of radioactivity that spewed out of the damaged Fukushima nuclear reactor was more than twice the original estimate of just 3 months ago. More than twice. The same report also said…

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