I’ve written recently about President Trump’s determination to get the EPA out of the business of protecting the environment and the lives and health of the American people. (EPA Blog) (Gorsuch blog). Huge corporate polluters-including petroleum and mining companies-are tired of having to comply with the federal clean air and water laws, and, in Trump, have found their man to take them off the hook.
Trump, in turn, has selected the man whose job it will be to starve the EPA of the resources necessary to do its job-resources like money, scientists, and the right to speak, so the EPA can warn families living in contaminated neighborhoods that they need to protect themselves. This is the blueprint for how the Trump EPA will clear the way for polluters who want to get back to profitable polluting.
Trump’s man is Scott Pruitt, Attorney General of the State of Oklahoma. If you care about clean air and water for yourself and your children, you’ll want to know about Pruitt. And once you know about him, I hope you will contact your US Senator, and insist that he/she vote to not confirm Pruitt to head the agency charged with the sacred obligation of protecting our environment. Because Pruitt has no intention of protecting the environment.
Please watch this video just created by respected journalist, Bill Moyers. (click here). Moyers will tell you what you need to know about Pruitt, for example:
·As Oklahoma’s Attorney General, Pruitt shut down his state’s environmental enforcement agency…..so that it could not enforce environmental protection laws.
·He’s a “political profiteer”. Pruitt collected huge political contributions from Oklahoma’s biggest polluters, much of this money coming to Pruitt after he filed lawsuits against the EPA, trying to shut down environmental protection.
·As Attorney General, he sued the EPA some 14 times for his polluter patrons.
·He treated his Attorney General’s office as a wholly-owned subsidiary of polluters. For example, Pruitt enlisted a large oil company to draft an important letter that Pruitt then sent out on Oklahoma Attorney General stationery…. as if he had written it himself.
·He thinks that climate change/global warming is exaggerated, and is not convinced that the operations of huge corporate polluters have contributed significantly to the problem….even though 97% of scientists who have studied the problem are convinced.
Scott Pruitt intends to destroy the EPA; he has no business being in charge of it.
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